Thursday, May 27, 2010

U.S. House Votes 405-2 for a National Teacher Day to Honor America's Educators; Teacher-Hating Jeff Flake Votes No!

OK, well, who could be against House Resolution 403, which passed the House of Representatives a week ago by a vote of 405-2? It was simply "Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that there should be established a National Teacher Day to honor and celebrate teachers in the United States."

Teacher-hating Jeff Flake, that's who. . . along with some other congressional nutjob from Alaska.

When he votes against helping veterans, the extreme anti-government radical weirdo Jeff Flake can say he doesn't want to spend any money on anything. But this resolution didn't cost anyone anything!

The only reason this weirdo politician could have voted against it is a deep-seated hatred of teachers. Perhaps he developed this in his warped childhood. Congressman Jeff Flake gave no answer as to why he voted against this innocuous resolution. Perhaps in private he laughs and says, "Ha, I really shit on all teachers today!" Maybe he needs to stand in the corner.

Or maybe he needs to be expelled from Congress.