Saturday, August 28, 2010

Rep. Jeff Flake: He'll Work His Ass Off for the Billionaires Who Pay His Bills

As Frank Rich wrote in his exposé of the billionaires who bankroll the Tea Party and radical Republicans like Arizona's sure-winner-as-a-five-term Congressman Jeff Flake:

Their program opposes a federal deficit, but has no objection to running up trillions in red ink in tax cuts to corporations and the superrich; apologizes to corporate malefactors like BP and derides money put in escrow for oil spill victims as a “slush fund”; opposes the extension of unemployment benefits; and calls for a freeze on federal regulations in an era when abuses in the oil, financial, mining, pharmaceutical and even egg industries (among others) have been outrageous.
The radical billionaires of Koch Industries gave safe-seat Jeff Flake $12,500 in campaign contributions in 2008 and more this year.

When he and his Republican allies control Congress, they can start taking away unemployment insurance, Medicare and Social Security and shoveling more money to their big-corporation benefactors like Koch Industries, which has recently received almost a hundred million dollars in federal funding.

Jeff Flake: a Congressman who will stand up for the rights of billionaires and do shit for 99% in the East Valley. If you're really stupid - and most of you in the East Valley are - you'll vote for him in November.